Curly Orli eBook goes to Polina for her beautiful plasticine rose. Her artwork based on our free online lesson “A plasticine Rose for Mom on Mother’s Day“. Thanks to Nargizza Kalanova, Polina’s Mom, for providing pictures. Polina is 8 years old. She lives in California, USA. Congratulations!
Create together with us! Send photos of your art and win prizes.
It’s time for presents! Congratulations to Polina (USA)
It’s time for presents! Congratulations to Danielle (Canada)
Our first Lotto Game in Hebrew goes to Danielle, (daughter of Yvette Sabi) for her wonderful artwork based on our free online lesson “Making hamantaschen for Purim with plasticine“. Danielle is 4 years old. She lives in Richmond, BC, Canada. Big Congrats to Little Artist!
Create together with us! Send photos of your art and win prizes.
Making Rosh Hashanah Apple and Bee with clay

This lesson is devoted to Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year). During this celebration, it is a custom to eat apples dipped in honey. 1. Take two pieces of plasticine. Red color and lighter color. Roll one of them into the ball, and flatten the other. 2. Connect the two pieces. Shape the ball as an…
Canada Day Crafts for Kids. Making Baby Moose with clay

In commemoration of Canada Day, we will create Canadian Baby Moose. 1. Let’s make moose’s face. Take brown pieces of plasticine and roll it. Create an oblong shape. Add ears, eyes, and nose. For that we will also need white and black plasticine. 2. Create moose’s body. Take larger pieces of plasticine and roll it…
Boat for Daddy on Father’s Day. Making a Toy Boat with clay.

Create beautiful Father’s day present with your child! 1. Let’s take 1 piece of clay. Flatten it with a cup. 2. Cut out 3 pieces of clay with the help of a plastic knife or toothpick (1 – for the bottom and 2 – for the sides of the boat) 3. Join one side of…