Spring is the time of nature awakening, and we always enjoy so many vibrant and beautiful colors and shades. Spring is when we celebrate a unique and important for Jewish people holiday – the Passover. Let’s try and make together a festive Passover postcard with a spring butterfly against flowery background. This is the moment when we can unleash our fantasy and imagination! There are so many beautiful butterflies in the world – it is impossible to count. That is why there no strict rules in art projects. All we need is your creativity dear young artists. There is a challenge in this project: you will need to repeat your own design. It is because both wings of the butterfly have to be exactly the same in design and texture.

– See more at: http://curlyorli.com/tutorials/make-a-butterfly-for-spring-passover-2016-plasticine-project/

*Special for Jewish Independent.

Spring butterfly for Passover 2016