Purim Teas with “Haman’s Ears”

Today, we will have a unique tea party celebration of a jewish holiday, Purim. For this day, jewish people bake a triangle-shaped cookies with jam or poppy seeds. These cookies are called “Haman’s Ears” or “Homentashn”. Let’s get to work! We will not need flour, eggs or other produce. Please, prepare only a few pieces of plasticine or dough.

1. Preparing cookies “Haman’s Ears” from plasticine.

Take 2 pieces of plasticine. One is the dough and the other is jam or poppy seeds.

Let’s put the jam inside the dough and round the edges.

The cookie is ready! If you want to invite your friends or toys, do not forget to make more cookies.

However, we will also need a plate!

2. Toy dishes from plasticine: tea plate
Let’s take one piece of plasticine, roll it flat on the table and cut out the circle with the help of a cup.

Add the decorations on your tea plate.

3. Toy dishes from plasticine: tea cup

Let’s take another piece of plasticine, flatten it with the toothbrush or cut out the rectangle with the help of a plastic knife.

Roll it into a tube.

Add the bottom.

Improvise and shape it as a cup.

At the end, adding a handle.

4. Have a great tea party, my dear Teddy Bear! Happy Purim!

Your feedback is welcome! Please send any comments, questions, or suggestions to curlyorli@gmail.com.