Happy Easter! Make your own plasticine Easter egg

Happy Easter to all our Christian Friends!

Enjoy our Easter tutorial: http://curlyorli.com/tutorials/how-to-make-your-plasticine-easter-egg/

Happy Easter!

Happy Passover! Passover Plasticine Frog

In anticipation of Jewish Holiday, Passover, Curly Orli and I are making a cute froggy. Historically, frogs were one of the ten plagues of Passover. Besides, frogs are believed to be the bringers of spring!!!
These days, they are happily hopping in parks and forests after long winter slumber. Now you can have one of them at home… plasticine that is 🙂

Read more: http://curlyorli.com/tutorials/passover-plasticine-frog/


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